Saturday, August 31, 2019

Odysseus: The Qualities of a Hero Essay

â€Å"The Odyssey† by Homer is one of the most recognized epics in world literature. It traces the decade-long journey of Odysseus back to Ithaca after he fought in the Trojan War. He was able to survive the dangerous ten-year voyage which he experienced and safely arrive home. Indeed, Odysseus is a truly admirable character, but what what makes him especially laudable is his physical strength, courage, and cunning. One admirable quality which Odysseus possesses is his physical strength. Like all Homeric heroes, Odysseus has remarkable physical strength. In Book 18, he displays such strength even under the disguise of a poor man. Another beggar named Arnaeus, also called Irus, insults Odysseus. Arnaeus challenges Odysseus to a fight and mocks him that he would be easily defeated because he is much older than his opponent. Odysseus truly proves him wrong. Homer writes, â€Å"Odysseus smote him on the neck beneath the ear and crushed in the bones, and straightway the red blood ran forth from his mouth† (18. 95). This is proof of Odysseus’ strength; he was able to defeat a man who was younger than him. While it is true that the goddess Athena did strengthen Odysseus for the fight, he was already physically strong to begin with. Another example of Odysseus’ physical strength can be found in Book 21. In this book, Penelope tells her suitors that she would finally choose the man who could string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow with it as her husband; this arrow should pass through each of 12 axes (21. 74-80). None of the suitors succeed in Penelope’s given task. Odysseus then offers to string the bow which enrages the suitors because they are terrified he might succeed. Later on, he does justify the fears of his foes. According to Homer, â€Å"even as when a man well-skilled in the lyre and in song easily stretches the string about a new peg, making fast at either end the twisted sheep-gut–so without effort did Odysseus string the great bow† (21. 405-410). Thus, once again, Odysseus proves his physical strength. Another distinguishing quality which makes Odysseus admirable is his courage. In Book 10, a goddess places Odysseus’ men in a humiliating situation. Circe drugs Odysseus’ men and with her wand, she transforms them into pigs and places them in pigsties (10. 235-240). Eurylochus, who was spared from Circe’s magic because he did not enter her home, immediately goes to Odysseus to tell him what happened to his men. Without hesitation, Odysseus takes his sword and bow to confront the goddess. Eurylochus has become terrified by Circe’s power that he refuses to come with Odysseus (10. 265-270). This circumstance is a testament to how courageous Odysseus is. While he was aware of the danger which he was about to confront, he proceeded to face the challenge without fear. Unlike Eurylochus, Odysseus dared to challenge Circe to save his men. In Book 12, Odysseus also reveals his courage. Circe warns him about two dangers he would encounter in his trip: Scylla and Charybdis. Odysseus asks the goddess, â€Å"tell me this thing truly, if in any wise I might escape from fell Charybids, and ward off that other, when she works harm to my comrades? † (12. 111). Circe answers him, â€Å"Rash man, lo, now again thy heart is set on the deeds of war and on toil† (12. 116). The inquiry of Odysseus exposes his courage, for he welcomes a fight between him and two enemies at one time. In addition, he disobeyed Circe’s orders when he wore his armor as his ship approached Scylla. This shows that he was courageous enough to have the intention of fighting the monster. The most admirable quality of Odysseus is his cunning. He proves to be an individual who skillfully uses trickery and deception to further his own ends. Throughout the epic, Odysseus demonstrates his cunning in multiple occasions. In Book 4, both Menelaus and Helen narrate to Telemachus how cunning his father is. According to Helen, Odysseus is sly enough to consider dressing up as a beggar to enter enemy territory. In an effort to enter Troy without being noticed, he clothes himself in rags and appears to have cuts and bruises. In such disguise, Odysseus deceives the Trojans and successfully enters the city unnoticed (4. 244-245). Menelaus adds that it was also Odysseus who prevented them from leaving the wooden horse when they were obviously being tricked to reveal themselves (4. 284). In these scenarios, Odysseus was able to contribute to the war effort of the Achaeans through his cunning. However, the most notable example of Odysseus’ cunning is found in Book 9. Odysseus and his men arrive in the land of Cyclops where the son of Poseidon named Polyphemus resides. They slaughter the goats in his land and consume the cheese from his cave. This angers Polyphemus, and he takes them as prisoners inside his cave. Odysseus then devises a clever plan to defeat the creature. First, he makes the monster drunk from the wine he brought from his ships. As Odysseus pours the wine, Polyphemus asks his name. When Odysseus was sure that Polyphemus was drunk, he responds: â€Å"Noman is my name† (9. 366). Polyphemus falls as a result of inebriation; Odysseus and his men immediately take a hot wooden staff in the eye of the monster. Polyphemus screams in pain, getting the attention of the other Cyclops. When they asked Polyphemus what was happening, he replies: â€Å"It is Noman is slaying me† (9. 407). The false name Odysseus gave Polyphemus allows him and his men to escape the monster’s lair without being properly identified as the attacker. This incident is the best proof of how cunning Odysseus is. The protagonist of Homer’s â€Å"The Odyssey† is indeed an admirable character. With his physical strength, courage, and cunning, Odysseus has proven himself a true hero after he overcame all the obstacles in his journey. These three qualities make Odysseus a character which readers can look up to. Work Cited Homer. â€Å"The Odyssey. † Perseus Digital Library. Trans. Samuel Butler. 16 June 2009 .

Friday, August 30, 2019

Projective Techniques Essay

Such tests are based loosely on the psychoanalytic concept of projection, the assumption being that respondents project unconscious aspects of their personalities on to the test items and reveal them in their responses †¦ The website of the Association of Qualitative Practitioners (AQR 2004) defines projective techniques as follows: A wide range of tasks and games in which respondents can be asked to participate during an interview or group, designed to facilitate, extend or enhance the nature of the discussion. Some are known as ‘projective’ techniques, being loosely based on approaches originally taken in a psychotherapeutic setting. These rely on the idea that someone will ‘project’ their own (perhaps unacceptable or shameful) feelings or beliefs onto an imaginary other person or situation †¦ Projective techniques may be used in qualitative as well as quantitative studies (Levy 1994) and they are useful (Boddy 2004b) in both. 240 International Journal of Market Research Vol. 47 Issue 3 Projective techniques are commonly used in qualitative market research (Gordon & Langmaid 1990) where the aim of the techniques is to facilitate the gaining of a deeper understanding of the area being researched. In discussing projective techniques they distance the use of projective techniques in qualitative market research from that of psychoanalytical practice, and suggest a more pedestrian and pragmatic definition: Projection [is] the tendency to imbue objects or events with characteristics or meanings which are derived from our subconscious desires, wishes or feelings. Dichter (1964) defined projection as meaning ‘to project subjective ideas and contents onto an object’, and said that one person could ascribe their own problems or difficulties to someone else. He described these techniques as being widely used in psychological work (Dichter 1960) and said that they are a non-directive interview technique where the respondent can project himself onto another and thus reveal some of the respondent’s own thoughts, feelings and fears. Projective vis-a-vis enabling techniques The market researchers Chandler and Owen (2002) define projective and enabling techniques quite succinctly and in a way with which most qualitative market research practitioners (Gordon & Langmaid 1990; Goodyear 1998) would probably agree. This differentiation is useful to make at the beginning of this paper as the techniques are often used interchangeably and the distinction between them may have become blurred in the minds of some qualitative market researchers. Classically, the idea of a projective technique relates to a device that allows the individual research participant to articulate repressed or otherwise withheld feelings by projecting these onto another character. The idea of enabling techniques relates to a device which allows the individual research participant to find a means of expressing feelings, thoughts and so on which they find hard to articulate. Enabling techniques are held to be the simpler (Will, Eadie & MacAskill 1996) of the two techniques as they just help people to talk about themselves. Will et al. ake the useful distinguishing point that while all projective techniques may be enabling, not all enabling techniques involve projection. Other researchers (Lysaker & Bradley 1957) make the point that even pictorial devices, which do not function as projective techniques 241 Projective techniques in market research (i. e. devices researchers would nowadays refer to as enabling techniques), may still have utility in gener ating responses. Gordon and Langmaid (1990) state that the use of projective as opposed to enabling techniques is a false distinction in market research as the aim of both techniques is to facilitate deeper understanding. However, they do go on to say that in enabling techniques people are asked to do something that itself has no interpretive value (and so doesn’t itself need to be interpreted). In terms of analysis there is a distinction because with enabling techniques the research participants are talking as themselves (that is not to say that this speech should always be taken at face value), whereas with projective techniques the research participants are talking as someone else and the researcher makes the interpretative assumption that they are talking as themselves. This agreement over the definition of projective techniques is about as far as most research textbooks get on the subject. How they are subsequently used is little discussed and how they are then analysed is hardly explicitly touched on at all (Levy 1994; Catterall 1998), which is a situation that has hardly changed from ten or more years ago. This paper aims to look at current reports of how projective techniques are analysed and what support for their reliability and validity exists, and aims to stimulate debate in this area of market research so that a better and more accessible understanding of the subject can be offered to those entering research as potential practitioners, to interested clients, and to researchers who are more used to a quantitative or direct questioning approach. The origins of projective techniques Projective techniques were employed in market research from the 1940s (Catterall & Ibbotson 2000) to encourage research participants to express feelings and attitudes that might otherwise be withheld due to embarrassment or fear if more direct questioning methods were used. Market research originally borrowed (Robson 2000; Boddy 2004a) projective techniques from psychoanalysis and clinical psychology where they are still used (Richman 1996) to gain insights into personality and personality disorders. Projection, as a concept, originated from Freud’s work on paranoia (Lilienfeld, Wood & Garb 2000), where he conceptualised projection as a defence mechanism by which people unconsciously attribute their own negative personality traits to others. Lilienfeld et al. say that Freud’s work 242 International Journal of Market Research Vol. 47 Issue 3 was subsequently developed by psychoanalysts and clinical psychologists. This development was based on the hypothesis that ‘research participants project aspects of their personalities in the process of disambiguating unstructured test stimuli’, and several different techniques were developed such as the well-known Rorschach technique, or ‘ink-blot test’, where subjects are assumed to project aspects of their personality onto the ambiguous features of a set of inkblots. Projective techniques in market research A commonly used completion technique (Gordon & Langmaid 1990; Will et al. 1996) in qualitative market research is ‘bubble drawing’. This is a device based on a technique called the Thematic Apperception Test where, according to Tucker-Ladd (2001), clinical psychologists use a series of standard pictures and ask subjects to make up stories about them. TuckerLadd says that what people see in the pictures says something about themselves and thus reveals their personality. Projective techniques can be used in a variety of market research situations as well as in social and educational research (Catterall & Ibbotson 2000), and these do not have to be aiming at uncovering aspects of personality of any great depth. For example, a bubble drawing was used (Boddy 2004a) by one researcher to uncover students’ underlying attitudes towards the delivery of a lecture on marketing research rather than to uncover any deeper aspects of their own personalities. Projective and enabling techniques are thus useful when research participants have difficulty expressing opinions or feelings and researchers need some way of accessing these from the participants’ minds (Gordon & Langmaid 1990; Kay 2001).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Jamie Oliver †Spoken Language Essay

Jamie Oliver is a chef who has made a number of television programmes for Channel 4; in most of these programmes he is cooking and instructing the audience, although he is sometimes part of documentaries about food, for example in schools. His style of speech is very different to many of his contemporaries: he uses his distinctive style to present himself as a down to earth, friendly TV chef. Oliver is the only person talking in this transcript because he is cooking and explaining his actions for the TV show. The fact that he is cooking while talking means that there are numerous pauses in the transcript, for example ‘†¦Your burger (2) and then some rosemary’. The two second pause indicates that he is demonstrating this action on the programme; it is important in his role as a TV chef that he doesn’t just sit and talk through a recipe because viewers want to see the recipes being made and they also want to be entertained and kept interested by Oliver moving around in the kitchen. Other pauses suggest that, although this programme is probably scripted to some degree, Oliver is not reading from an autocue but retains an element of spontaneity to his speech. The pauses at the start of the transcript, ‘Hi guys (.) welcome to ministry of food (.)’, are indicators of this spontaneity, as is the non-fluent ‘er’, which is present ed later on in the show. Although sometimes a sign of nervousness, in this case I think the pauses help Oliver to appear normal, like his viewers, so they are more likely to attempt his recipes and, of course, buy his books. Jamie Oliver’s Estuary accent and his accompanying use of London slang are also distinctive features of his talk. A Word such as ‘bash’ is a colloquial and is not a word we expect to hear on a cooking programme. We are used to words from the cooking semantic field such as ‘whisk’, ‘bake’, ‘stir’ but Oliver’s language use again makes him seem very normal, approachable and relaxed. As well as specifically accented words such as the dropping of the ‘h’ in ‘orrible’, Oliver’s elisions ‘gonna’, ‘wanna’ and ‘kinda’ demonstrate his relaxed tone. As well as using these to build a successful TV persona, Oliver could be using this informal language because he is concentrating more on the actual cooking and explaining the key details of the recipe rather than the functional language he uses. It is important that Oliver does not appear too bossy to his audience: they need to feel like they can relate to him; it is therefore important that he moderates his use of imperatives. Throughout the transcript, he softens his instructions to viewers: ‘†¦about a tablespoon of oregano (1) you want about’; ‘an egg some rosemary some (.) mustard’; this lack of precision is encouraging to people watching his because it suggests this recipe is easy to follow. The self-deprecating suggestion that Oliver is not entirely sure of what he is doing, just guessing, means that he does not assume a too-powerful position in relation to his viewers. The word ‘;literally’ implies that the solution is simple and easy, so Oliver maintains his persona as the ‘friendly, easy’ TV chef in contrast with someone like Gordon Ramsay and his very technical, scientific recipes that cannot be replicated in ordinary kitchens. In conclusion, Jamie Oliver uses many features of talk that are typical of TV chefs, such as numerous pauses and imperative instructions which are essential in his role, but he also has a very distinctive personal style of talk, characterised by his accent, use of slang and colloquial vocabulary. He uses his own idiolect to create a successful TV personality that viewers can relate to and follow as a cooking role model.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The role of operational management in the construction industry Essay

The role of operational management in the construction industry project - Essay Example The study provides an analysis of actions to be taken by strategic project management which can enable planning and completing construction process in time and within set cost targets. A brief conclusion is provided touching on key lessons that project management can learn from experiences in the project. Szkieletor also known as Skeletor is an incomplete building in Poland. It is located in the sides of Krakow near Rondo Mogilskie. The building stays incomplete in its construction since 1975. It is one of the tallest structures around and it was intended to be headquarters of the main Technical Organisation. The reasons for the incomplete building construction are a result of deterioration of the economy and high costs of construction materials. Szkieletor construction was intended to be made into an international four star luxury hotel, A-class offices, several commercial facilities and luxury apartments. Construction of Szkieletor was based on location of apartments in relation to targeted market. Luxurious apartments constructed were targeting individuals who were well off in terms of income and thus payment. The offices and commercial facilities were to be constructed for those in a position to acquire them since the city was growing up fast enough to demand the offices. The costs of the apartments were to be set as per the market price. The adjustments of the project were flexible enough to incorporate the ever adjusting activities during the construction process.... The offices and commercial facilities were to be constructed for those in a position to acquire them since the city was growing up fast enough to demand the offices. The costs of the apartments were to be set as per the market price. The adjustments of the project were flexible enough to incorporate the ever adjusting activities during the construction process. The cost budget was well set by qualified management team and construction process commenced. Several adjustments were made during the construction process so as objectives in the proposals would be met. The project management team selected to head and run the project was not qualified enough to address factors that would affect the project before commencing construction process. Lack of proper qualification may result into several inconveniences due to poor construction process and even failure of the project. The selected project management team should be made aware of the requirements of the project and the necessary resour ces availed to them. Duration that the construction process expected should also be conveyed out so that when construction strategies are being made time factor is kept in mind. Since the project management is the one supposed to control the project, it should be fit to undertake the given work. Where investment is involved there is an aspect of risk. If the risk is passed to a staff that cannot handle apartment construction then great losses are anticipated. It is required that the selection panel be careful to award the tender to the right team which will not cause defaults of the programs jeopardizing the whole project. Assessment of the extent of risk involved should be carefully done so that no mistakes are left out before the start

Why does J. A. Fodor think that there must be a language of thought Is Essay

Why does J. A. Fodor think that there must be a language of thought Is he right - Essay Example Specifically, Fodor advanced a notion of a language of thought. Fodor’s Language of Thought Hypothesis (LOTH) states that the thought process occurring in the mind is a symbolic system that parallels a language in structure. Jerry Fodor’s presented LOTH in his aptly titled book The Language of Thought (Fodor 1975). Through an examination the major platforms of the LOTH hypothesis, as well as prominent criticisms, this essay examines the extent that Fodor is successful in articulating the existence of a language of thought. Language of Thought Philosophers have formulated LOTH by considering the multiplicity of thoughts, or propositional attitudes. One can identify propositional attitudes in sentences like ‘A wishes that B’, or ‘A thinks that B’, or ‘A intends that B’. A is the subject of attitude, B is the sentence, and ‘that B’ is the proposition or the object of the attitude. If we say that C stands for verbs like â €˜wishes’, ‘thinks’, and ‘intends’, then the propositional attitude sentences would take the form: ‘A Cs that B’. Therefore, LOTH can be considered as a hypothesis that features how we create propositional attitudes in our ‘mental language’, and how we relate our thought and thinking with them. Our conceptual thinking takes place in a mental representation of language-like structure; however, this is not direct representation of spoken language. Rather, this ‘language of thought’ is a form of representation where the human mind perceives concepts and symbolizes them rather than using words for those concepts. Hence, the mind uses internal forms of representation, different from traditional linguistic ‘words’, to represent these concepts. Still, these symbols combine to form mental sentences, called the propositional attitudes, which are consistent with the grammatical rules of language. This conc eptual thinking has a computational nature that extracts thinking from processing the series of mental symbols according to algorithms. Representational Theory Jerry Fodor specifically implements representational theory in supporting his position (Fodor 1987). According to representational theory, thinking occurs in the form of symbols that are actually the propositional attitudes described earlier (Fodor 1987). While Fodor argues that propositional attitudes should be represented not only as symbols but also as a language, he believes this ‘language of thought’ is different from spoken and written languages like English, French or German (Fodor 1987). Consider the following: ‘I don’t want to eat ladyfingers, so I’d better tell mom to make me French fries.’ According to representational theory, there is a state of a section of this individual’s brain that represents his or her unwillingness to eat ladyfingers (Fodor 1987). There is anot her section of this individual’s brain that represents his or her way of avoiding ladyfingers; namely, to tell their mom to cook something else (Fodor 1987). Thirdly, there is a small piece of brain circuitry that is linking these two states and instigating an action (Fodor 1987). LOTH asserts that the representation of the decision in this example here has to be structured. That is, it has to be structured just like a sentence articulating that decision. Fodor’s LOTH further states that the structure of symbolic representation in the mind and the linguistic representation of that symbolic representation must be related. That is, the structure of the brain state matching the decision of eating French fries will be equivalent to the structure of the sentence articulating the decision. One considers another example: ‘There is a suspicion crossing my mind that a rat is under my bed’

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Big Brother Metaphor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Big Brother Metaphor - Essay Example A big brother is to be the representative of the parents in regulating the actions of his siblings to avoid any wrongdoing being committed or any harm befalling them. In the family set-up, the big brother's role goes into action in the absence of the parents. In most cases, big brothers provide protection to their siblings and are always on the watch. In order for them to provide security and protection to their siblings, they would have to be in constant surveillance. They monitor the actions and the whereabouts of their siblings as part of their responsibilities being the eldest male sibling. Thus, a big brother metaphor pertains to the characteristics of a concept which is similar to the actions or roles of the familial big brother at home. Any action involving the same functions or tasks of the eldest male sibling in terms of regulating and monitoring the actions of his other siblings, can be referred to as a big brother metaphor. Surveillance or the monitoring of the actions, responses and reactions of people is considered a big brother metaphor as the purpose of observing people is to check and regulate actions, attitudes and behaviors, as well as to apprehend those who have opposed the set rules and conditions. This surveillance exists in practically all the fields of society in various degrees and magnitude. It exists in politics or government, in public and private corporations, in public utility venues, in schools, in malls and supermarkets and at home. The degree of monitoring varies because of the different purposes and reasons behind the surveillance. The specific purposes or goals may be different, but the general aim is to capture data and images at instances when the targets or those who are monitored are the least suspecting. These instances provide the most natural reactions and tendencies of people which could give way to their true intentions and attitudes. These captured or gathered data and images serve as the basis for formulating means of evaluation or further control. The big brother metaphor is a model for decreasing the privacy of a person or an entity. The invasion of privacy issue or the rights of a person to privacy is an adversary of the big brother concept. In the concept of the big brother metaphor, surveillance is oftentimes done in secrecy to catch the person off-guard or to eliminate any kind of defense. The gathering of information is oftentimes without the knowledge of the person being checked. The person may contest that his or her privacy has been trespassed but privacy laws have excluded certain industries or entities from liabilities. Companies may conduct background checks on newly hired employees, problematic employees, up-for-promotion employees and even those who have or are planning to resign. These background checks serve as a security for the companies in case of future problems arising from the employment of a person, and they serve as bases for hiring or maintaining employees whose personal data are acceptable to the stan dards of the company. The big brother metaphor is also very crucial in the prevention of crimes, with the help of technology. Surveillance through equipment like video cameras, microphones, bugs and audio recorders among others, are important means of crime prevention. Satellites and other more sophisticated technology aid the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Global disaster Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Global disaster - Research Paper Example Ultimately, the paper draws a conclusion on why drought is important, the effects of ignoring it, and the need for future research to address this global disaster. Scientists agree that drought is hazardous to the environment and relates to the scarcity of water in the earth surface. Apparently, the globe is encountering alarming water levels in MENA that define global drought. As such, drought is a global disaster subject to its adverse effects on the environment and global population especially in the developing nations (Pozzi et al. 776). The 2012 National Drought Forum report asserts that drought is the third most dominant global disaster after floods and earthquakes. Drought has been a prevalent global disaster for almost three decades subject to the magnitude and frequency of its motivation factors. It is inherently difficult to understand and define drought since its effects vary from one region to another. Different nations have distinct ways of defining drought. Generally, drought emanates from the lack of precipitation in a given area for a long time (The National Drought Mitigation Center 1). We can only define drought in seasons and shortage of water supply in the environment. Humans consider drought with reference to precipitation where we assess the level of dryness and the duration of a dry season. The consideration relates to meteorological drought that applies to a specific region as defined by varying precipitation levels (Saddleback Educational Publishing 17). Hydrological drought is another form of drought and relates to how decreasing precipitation influences stream flow, soil moisture, reservoir and lake levels, and groundwater recharge (Saddleback Educational Publishing 17). Moreover, we have agricultural drought that relates to a situation where the level of water supply cannot meet agricultural water demands (Saddleback Educational Publishing 17). There are various ways that drought can occur. Numerous scientists have

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Importance of Learning Discipline in School Essay

The Importance of Learning Discipline in School - Essay Example The Importance of Learning Discipline in School Learning is an important element is schools and basically involves the promotion of discipline I various form. The attitude that a child is given at a young age to a great extend influences the study patterns and especially at a young age. There are some who feel we stop being creative, or are sitting in a classroom learning the same thing we would be better off learning on our own in an unstructured setting. This is true to some extent, but in every job and every career there are tasks that are boring or hard to do. Many people will take jobs that are boring or hard, but the ones that will give them an income for their entire lives if they are willing to work for it. The education a student receives in school should be the basis for their willingness to get up every day and go to work and earn some living no matter how hard the job is. Students go to school so that they may gain some disciplines needed in their careers, they are also learning how they should maintain their jobs even if it is a hard one. The discipline to get and go to school and do the homework is the same discipline that is needed to get up and go to work every day. It is valuable to have discipline no matter what we are trying to complete. The schoo l gives us a way to learn discipline. It would be nice if the world were made up of jobs that only had parts that were fun to complete. For instance , if the jobs would be fun like watching video games, movies or spending time with friends everyone would like to complete his or hers. Unfortunately jobs have parts that are too boring, or ones that are difficult. There are ones that we just don`t like to do, but to get a degree we must complete the courses. So we force ourselves to go to the classes and do the homework. In the process we learn to discipline ourselves. There is a reward at the end, a diploma and the possibilities of the careers. What our education includes is the discipline we learned that apply to our career that will help us to succeed. Not everyone manages to get through public school, let alone college. Some students lose interest in school. Students that drop out of high school lose many opportunities to get a good paying job. They struggle to keep even low paying jobs that they have no interest in. What they have lacked is the discipline they would have learned if they could have completed their school course. In john Holts article `` school is bad for children’’, he talks about why students lose interest and give up, never learning why an education is good and missing out on the discipline that comes with it. `` If we don’t make you read, you won`t, and if you don’t do it exactly the way we tell you can't’’, John Halt. In short, he comes to feel that learning is a passive process, something that someone else does for you, instead of something you do for yourself (Holt 64. The point being that the school is the one that instills the entire discipline one need in his career and this is just done through learning. Holt goes on to explain in more how schools not only do not teach discipline, but in still other bad qualities in students. He refers to a student; `` He learns to be lazy†¦ how not to work’’ (Holt 65). Holt’s articles are trying to get the points across that given the right circumstances at school that a student would learn on their own. They would learn the discipline through their own curiosity about the world. Of course, it is the job of the school to teach discipline though parents have a lot of control whether the students learn discipline or not. They are the children first example of how to go about learning discipline. The parents should encourage their children to go to school. In Lynda’

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Thomas Wolsey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Thomas Wolsey - Essay Example However, Wolsey was no false-faced upstart, but a highly intelligent fellow. It is reported that, "he took his degree as a Bachelor of the Arts at the very early age of fifteen, which so impressed the scholars at Oxford that he was called the 'boy-bachelor'" (Ridley, 1982, p. 18). Later he also took an M.A. and became a headmaster. True, Wolsey had ambition, and his education, entry into the priesthood, and transitional positions were stepping-stones to a power, but who can fault ambition in a man of humble origins His father sent him to Oxford because he wanted a better life for his son. The law at the time was still skewed against the lower classes. Only a complete fool would not desire to move up in the socio-economic hierarchy, and Wolsey was far from a fool. He never had difficultly impressing his social superiors, beginning with his first patron, the Marquess of Dorset. Even though Dorset died shortly after appointing Wolsey rector, Wolsey had made other powerful friends, and soon became chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury and then the Governor of Calais, giving "Wolsey a wide experience of many sides of government, especially of relations with foreign countries, and a foothold in the government service" (Ridley, 1982, p. 22). In this politically sensitive outpost of English rule, Wolsey had "the opportunity to learn about the problems of many aspects of government administration and to show his efficiency in dealing with them (Ridley, 1982, p. 23). He must maintain the lines of communication between the Crown and those owing allegiance to England in Calais; he must keep an eye on the French military and guard against French spies. These things he did without Henry VIII, who was not yet king. In fact, as a result of his skillful work in Calais, Wolsey became a chaplain in Henry VII's court and worked with those who made foreign policy. He succeeded, on his own, on sensitive diplomatic missions to Scotland, Austria, and the Netherlands, while receiving special dispensations from the Church. Prior to Henry VIII's ascension, Wolsey garnered remarkable power and prestige by navigating his responsibilities and balancing his social connections, for which reasons alone we must discard the idea that his later power and prestige sprung directly from manipulation and deceit toward the King. When Henry VIII came to power, "The accession of a handsome and dashing young king in place of his cautious and money-grasping father was welcomed by the people" (Ridley, 1982, p. 28), but it was the differences between the two kings that allowed Wolsey to rise through the ranks. The old King had been conservative and dedicated to his role as King. The young King was fiscally liberal and immediately began taping the coffers for clothes, jewels, and parties. He resented boring duties and disliked those who advised him to spend more time at them. Wolsey knew how to please the king. While others "urged Henry to preside at Council meetings, as his father had done, and to devote his time to affairs of the state, Wolsey offered to carry out all the work of government while Henry hunted and amused himself[Wolsey] found out what the king wanted, and did it" (Ridley, 1982, p.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Mexican Gulf Oil Spill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mexican Gulf Oil Spill - Research Paper Example The company’s reputation was also tarnished severely, as the oil spill was a public relations disaster. British Petroleum had to face criticism not only from environmental groups but also from the general populace. The case study of Gulf of Mexico oil spill will aid the understanding of the audience as to how the company dealt with the situation. The focus will be on the way company handled its communication in the media. Also, the role of culture and politics and its impact on the way the company dealt with the crisis will be discussed. The reaction of the public and how British Petroleum handled it will also be significant part of this case study. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill The Gulf of Mexico oil spill started on 20th April 2010 with an explosion of the deep water horizon in which 11 men lost their lives and another 17 were left wounded (Welch & Joyner, 2010). The explosion resulted in the worst oil spill in the history of oil and gas industry, and millions of barrels of crude oil polluted the sea. The oil spill lasted for about 3 months, during which British Petroleum tried many attempts to block the oil well. Government agencies also took action, and the company was fined. The company also had to deal with many lawsuits from businesses and individuals. The underwater oil spills are difficult to stop, because the source of oil is underwater. This is why it took the company 3 months to stop the oil spill. The company tried very hard to stop the oil spill earlier but was not successful. British Petroleum also had to face severe criticism and public outrage when many of its attempts to stop the oil spills went unsuccessful. People couldn’t find answers as to how it is not possible for a company as big as British Petroleum to stop the oil spill. The underwater oil spill is also more damaging than other types of drilling disasters, because it is very difficult to clean the rivers and seas that are affected by the oil spill. British Petroleum had to ha ndle this situation, as it was no less than a public relations disaster. The company had to take tough decisions to protect its reputation, as it was getting a bashing from media, environmental groups, and public. The company first tried to dial down the situation and took a position that the oil spill is not as big as people think it is. The potential damage of the oil spill was dialed down by the company. The company also took steps to curb the damage from the oil spill. The policy of damage control was put in place as the company was trying to stop the oil spill. Initially, people believed the company’s stance that everything would work out. But when days went by and the oil spill didn’t stop, the media and the public started to panic. This is when the company publicly admitted that there was something seriously wrong and steps had to be taken. Initially, however, the policy of dialing down the issue was followed by the company. Given the size of the company, it was necessary for it to dial down the danger. Any bad news would result in lowering stock prices, which is not acceptable by the shareholders; therefore, the company initially tried to tell people that the problem was not bad enough and the company would soon solve it. From the standpoint of the company, it was a good step, as it stopped the share prices from falling immediately. But when the news broke out that the company is finding it difficult to fix the oil spill, company stocks decreased and, eventually,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Purpose and History Essay Example for Free

Purpose and History Essay The Code of Ur-Nammu assumed an understanding that the law descended from the gods, and the king or ruler was the administrator of the law on the part of the people. Under this code, severe penalties were considered to be unnecessary for the majority of crimes. Since people believed to know how they should behave towards each other, monetary fines served as a reminder of how to behave (Mark, 2014). The structure of the Code of Hammurabi is very particular, with each offense having a distinct discipline. The punishments tended to be extremely critical compared to todays modern day standards, many of the offenses resulted in death, disfigurement, or the use of what we know today as Eye for eye, tooth for tooth (Lex Talionis Law of Retaliation) philosophy. The Code of Hammurabi is one of the earliest examples of law where the assumption of innocence has been incorporated, and the accused and accuser have the opportunity to produce and present evidence on their behalf. However, no provisions were made for extenuating circumstances to be presented in order to alter any prescribed punishment. History of prison development During the early colonial years, prisons had not yet been developed as a form of punishment for crimes. The colonists did however use jails, copying the English system of gallows, in order to hold defendants who were awaiting trial or for those already convicted and were awaiting their corporal or capital punishment. These jails had deplorable conditions. Poor men, women, and children were all housed together, with very little food or sanitary conditions. Offenders who could afford it paid a fee in order to avoid jail; this early bail system enabled the rich to pay a fee in order to be released. The conditions in both the English and colonial jails during the 1600s and 1700s were so deplorable that few doubted the need for reform (Richard P. Seiter, 2011). Comparison of the Pennsylvania and Auburn system The Pennsylvania system was known as the separate and silent system, with silence enforced and inmates not allowed to see or talk with each other. Through this approach, it was believed that offenders would not be morally contaminated and be trained in crime by other prisoners. There were several problems with the Pennsylvania system. First, it was almost impossible to keep prisoners from seeing and communicating with each other. Second, it was very expensive to operate, as a requirement to keep prisoners separated this increased the number of staff members needed. Third, there was very limited productivity by inmates, as a requirement to work alone in their cells did not allow for as much production of goods for resale as was desired. Fourth, opponents of the operation of the Pennsylvania prisons suggested that the solitude imposed on prisoners made many of them mentally ill. Finally, the planned operation was modified almost immediately. Two prisoners were placed in a cell together so one could learn a trade from the other and increase the production of goods. The warden of the Eastern Penitentiary, Samuel Wood, used prisoners as servants in his home and allowed them to communicate. The Pennsylvania system seemed doomed from its beginning and forced prison operators in other states to search for new approaches to overcome the problems. Although there was great interest in the Pennsylvania system, only two states (New Jersey and Rhode Island) adopted its separate and silent system. However, both soon abandoned the Pennsylvania system in favor of the improved system that was created in Auburn, New York (Richard P. Seiter, 2011). The Auburn system became known as the congregate and silent system as officials continued to reduce the spread of criminal ideas by inmates through silence and strict discipline. Barnes and Teeters describe the enforcement of the system through lockstep marching with eyes downcast, hard work an d activity while outside cells, and prohibitions of inmates even being face to face. After the operation of Auburn was copied at Sing Sing prison in New York, as well as at prisons in other states, the Auburn system was recognized as better than the Pennsylvania system. The prisons were cheaper to build and operate, the congregate style allowed production of goods and more income for the state, and fewer prisoners developed mental health problems. Other prisons being built across the country adopted the Auburn system. The operation of prisons for sentenced  offenders received international attention, and many countries sent representatives to examine the operation of both the Pennsylvania-style and Auburn-style prisons. Although the Pennsylvania style of prisons was seldom favored in the United States, most international visitors found advantages in both, and many preferred the Pennsylvania system because of its effort to avoid contamination among prisoners. During the first half of the nineteenth century, the Auburn style of silence, hard work, separation at night, congregation during the day to maximize production of goods, and strict control was the method used for most American prisons (Richard P. Seiter, 2011). Impact and involvement of prison labor over time Throughout US history, there have been many laws both morally and ethically concerning prison labor. The Hawes-Cooper Act and the Ashurst-Sumner Act made interstate trading of prison-made goods illegal. During the 1970’s, many of laws regarding prison labor were amended. The Justice System Improvement Act of 1979 allowed for the privatization of prisons and the transport of their goods across state lines. Once this change in the law took place, the prison industry profits sky rocketed from $392 million to $1.31 billion. Prison industry partnerships benefit both businesses and inmates. Businesses are provided with a stable, motivated work force, with reduced overhead, an alternative to overseas operations, and a made in the USA label. Inmates are provided with income to offset the cost of their incarceration, allows for compensation to victims and provides the inmates family with support. Inmates have the ability to learn a trade and gain valuable work experience (U.S. Prison L abor At Home and Abroad, 2003). References Mark, J. J. (2014). Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from Richard P. Seiter. (2011). Corrections an introduction. Retrieved from Richard P. Seiter, CJA234 – Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Admin/Human Services website. U.S. Prison Labor at Home and Abroad. (2003). Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Transformatiomal Leadership Essay Example for Free

Transformatiomal Leadership Essay Leadership is the quality of an individuals behavior whereby he is able to guide the people or their activities towards certain goals. 1. INTRODUCTION Leadership is the ability to get work done with and through others, while at the same time winning their confidence, respect, loyalty and willing co-operation. The first part of this definition is the same as for management. It is the second half, which highlights the difference between a leader and a non-leader. Managers who possess the quality of guiding and directing the subordinates in an organization to perform their jobs efficiently can be called business leaders. A leader interprets the objectives of the group and guides it towards the achievement of these objectives. Leadership means different things to different people, and sometimes the most effective leaders can appear not to be leading at all. Good leadership is essential in all aspects of managerial functions whether, it be motivation, communication or direction. Good leadership ensures success in the organization, and unsatisfactory human performance in any organization can be primarily attributed to poor leadership. Total performance is the result of a host of factors and not of leadership alone, hence can be evaluated in the light of these factors. A leader influences others by his qualities, viz. confidence, communicative ability, awareness of his impact on others as well as perceptions about the situation and his subordinates. The effect of a leaders background experiences, his communication ability, self-awareness, confidence, his perceptions of subordinates, the situation and the self are shown below: SOCIAL VALUES ECONOMIC CONDITIONS LEADER STRUCTURE FOLLOWERS POLITICAL CONSIDERATIONS Fig. 5 Qualities of Leader [Source: Taken from, Prasad LM, (2006) Organizational Behavior, Fig 26.1 p 287] All these factors interact together to determine the leaders ability to influence others. 2. TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP The concepts of transformation and transaction leadership was first introduced by James MacGregor Burns (1978), what was once the treatment of political leadership is now widely used in the fields of organizational psychology. Leaders who raises the motivation of followers to reach far beyond their established standards and that promotes effective change individually and holistically in organizations are all characteristics of a transformational leader. In contrast, transactional leaders are extrinsic motivators, they accepts the given goals and just do it. In order for us to better understand what each of these leadership styles have to often and how effective they are we need to examine the makeup of these concepts According to Burns (1978) the style of transformational leadership is comprise of four components: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration: 1. Idealized influence A leader who shows idealized influence is someone who is usually not affair to make very compelling conviction on a stand that they strongly believe in but not necessary the popular stand. Followers often admire idealized influence leaders as they have a clear set of values that they follow and demonstrate as a role model in which followers can identify with the leader by. This trait has a direct relationship to managing one’s own emotion in the concept of emotional intelligences (Barling et al., 2000). Leaders can serve as a respectable role model for their followers when they able to display self-control on their emotions which thereby enhances the trust of the relationship. 2. Inspirational motivation The second component of the transformational leadership style is inspirational motivation. As a visionary leader, they can articulate their vision in a powerful persuasive appealing manner that it is naturally inspiring to followers. They will consistently and optimistically communicate the meaning for the task at hand as well as challenging their followers to reach higher than the establish standards. By being able to understand and realize what a follower’s potential is, the leader can better set goals and push the follower towards success more effectively. This is directly related to the understanding of others component of emotional intelligences. 3. Intellectual stimulation The third is the art of intellectual stimulation. Leaders who are high in intellectual stimulation usually encourage creativity in their followers by setting up an aroma to permit trail and error. Furthermore, these leaders often encourage followers to take risk, follow their own instincts, and there is no such thing as a â€Å"stupid â€Å"suggestion. 4. Individualized consideration Lastly, the component of individualized consideration is the degree of the leader’s ability to listen, understand, and attend to the needs of their followers. Making sure that their followers are getting the respect they deserve for their accomplishment. Perhaps being there, as a mentor or a coach for their career advancements or to be a sympathetic support when problematic issues arise. Being able to correctly realize and understand the needs of followers a leader should be evident in the empathy component of emotional intelligences. In contrast the transactional leadership that is very often associated with laissez-fair leadership is more action oriented. It is comprised of two components: Contingent rewards and management-by-exception (Burns 1978). This type of leadership is very distinct in ways that it is very reward oriented. Leaders utilize the promises to reward for good performance and reorganizations to entice followers to perform at their best. Management-by-exception refers to a practice that leaders are there to make sure things continue to work as they are working now. The attitude around these leaders are â€Å"if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it†, they only intercept when something is going wrong. The management-by-exception leaders are leaders that are very detail oriented and are at a constant alert for things going wrong where they are quick to fix immediate problems. TRANSFORMING LEADERSHIP 3. Visionary Enabler Transforming leadership requires the leader to direct his energies outwards rather than inwards. The focus is on relinquishing the controller/ manipulator in favor of the visionary enabler. To do this, the groups full potential must be allowed to develop by always using the style congruent with their ability and willingness or one even slightly higher on the trusting side. Unfortunately, the opposite is often the case and the group is over led rather than under led. Over leading often-called macho using a style more controlling than appropriate for the groups ability and willingness. It can arise from both personal, psychological reasons and from forces in the organizational and hierarchical structure (Ahuja K, 2005, p.698). The feeling persists that management knows best and that true leadership means the exertion of authority in order to get a reluctant workforce to perform duties to which it contributes little beyond elementary, regimented skills. Managers with such an outlook consistently over lead groups by being more interventionist than necessary. The tendency to over lead is often compounded by the organizational climate. If the top management exhibits, macho, tendencies it is very difficult for a manager to pursue a progression of styles towards trust. If he does, it will be seen as weakness and an abdication of management responsibility rather than a positive process of development. 4. Organizational Constraints to Leadership Role Organizational constraints can be very powerful and, for that reason, it is important that any serious effort at leadership training should begin at the top to ensure that everyone in the hierarchy understands the philosophy and supports the new approach. Transforming Leadership is concerned with the choice of Leadership role, it is generally outward looking long term and proactive. Transforming leadership focus is on vision and values relating to individual and organization. It develops an individual and generates new ideas. It releases energy by creating a sense of belonging and excitement in the job. Visionary/Enabler is the transforming leader required in increasingly complex situation, where performance is difficult to measure directly. Visionary/Enabler creates a mental attitude in a team, creates a feeling that you can do it and ensures that things are possible and success is in all what we are doing. Visionary/Enabler creates a climate of success and a sense of belonging. Visionary/Enabler emphasis that the individual can create a feeling in them, that they will be developed. It promotes self-control and encourages the workforce by giving them responsibilities and ensuring success. Visionary/ Enabler creates a sense of excitement in the job (Ahuja K, 2005, 714). 5. Changes Transforming Leadership Due to changing technology and changing social expectations, industry and commerce is becoming increasingly complex and inter-dependent. As a consequence, work requires higher levels of individual skill and management expertise. These pressures make the, controller, style of management less and less appropriate. As the technical skill of jobs in industry increases, an increasing reliance must be placed on self-motivation of the workforce to ensure high performance. It is marginal effort that makes the crucial difference between satisfactory and outstanding performance. Whereas normal levels of output can be more or less controlled, the marginal effort, which is so crucial, is very much at the discretion of the subordinate. For this reason, the transforming leadership role is increasingly essential. Transforming leadership is required to get the best out of knowledgeable workers (Prasad, 2006, 294). In today’s, complex, knowledge based working environment it is increasingly difficult to measure the subordinates, output. Control becomes impossible and has to be replaced by trust and transforming leadership. As the world grows more complex, the individual is not able to understand it alone. Reliance has to be placed on the specialist knowledge of the team requiring creation of the right climate for that knowledge to be applied. The group must be developed to maximize learning and the increase of the knowledge base. Such a climate will also encourage synergy and the sparking of creative interactions (Ahuja K, 2005, 552). Transforming leadership is required to accelerate the shift of the point of congruence in the direction of the visionary/enabler. The transforming leader consciously fights the lure of the interventionist. He creates a sense of vision to inspire the group and place on the team members the responsibility for making decisions and solving their own relationship problems. The transforming leader adopts the visionary/enabler role and frees his followers from the dead hand of the interventionist and transactional routine. Transforming leadership concentrates on the leader in the visionary/enabler role and on avoiding the seductive alternative roles that tend to trap leaders into various forms of controller/manipulator behavior. The transforming leader acts as a visionary/enabler to develop the individual capabilities of his team members and to mould them into a fully functioning team. Above all, he is concerned to create a sense of mission, which will give the team a vision of what their job is all about. This vision carries the group beyond the narrow confines of daily routine and puts work into a context of meaning and value (Prasad, 2006, 364). The transforming leader acts-as a contributor or a catalyst, always-keeping to moderate levels of task and relationships behavior 6. Literature Review Leadership is he ability to get work done with and through others while gaining heir confidence and cooperation. Almost every aspect of work is influenced by, or dependent on, leadership. Leaders have three limiting factors- their own knowledge, and skills, their subordinate’s skills, and the work environment. Formal leaders (managers, supervisors) are appointed to groups by the organization, and group members choose informal leaders. Formal leaders aim to achieve organizational objectives, whereas informal leaders satisfy the group’s needs for friendship and recognition. There are four key sources of leadership: Legitimate power, which comes from being appointed by the organization into a leadership role; expertise or skill power, which comes from having knowledge or skills which will help the group to achieve goals; respect or affection power, where a leader who is liked and respected b subordinates, peers and superiors, will have influence over a group of people; and reward/ coercive power, which comes from the power to influence pay, promotion and recognition of followers. (Yvonne, 2003 196) There are three main approaches to understanding leadership: traits (which involves identifying traits which characterize successful leaders); behavioral (which focuses on leadership functions and style); and contingency (which focuses on situations, matching leadership style with circumstances). There are a number of factors influencing a leader’s effectiveness. These range from the leaders background, experience, and expectations, to the organization’s policies and procedures, and to the prevailing industry trends, and social norms. Bass (1978) suggested that transformational leaders exhibit three key characteristics. These are ïÆ'Ëœ Charisma ïÆ'Ëœ Individualized considerations; ïÆ'Ëœ Intellectual simulation. Transformational leaders are able to arouse enthusiasm, general energy and inspire respect. They also work towards helping others to realize their potential through attention to training and development and at the same time treating others with respect. They also stimulate the imagination of their followers and encourage them to stretch their capabilities. Transformational leadership isn’t a substitute for transactional leadership; rather it can be seen as going a step beyond transactional leadership. Transformational leaders are more likely to emerge in times of turbulence and rapid change. In today’s circumstances where we are experiencing accelerating change transformational leadership offers an opportunity for improved performance. (Yvonne, 2003 197) There is no set formula on how to be an effective leader, but research has highlighted some useful points relating to training style, nature of work and subordinates, and the need to act like a leader. 7. CONLUSION No one is a born leader. People may have certain abilities that enable them to develop into a leader, but they have to work at it. A successful leader is one who is keenly aware of those forces, which are more relevant to his behavior at any given time. He accurately understands himself, the individuals and the group he is dealing with, and the organization and the broader social environment in which he operates (Tannenbaum Schmidt, 1993, 178). However, merely understanding these factors correctly is not enough but he can be successful only when he is able to behave appropriately in the light of these perceptions and understanding. Thus,   The successful manager of men can be primarily characterized neither as a strong leader nor as a permissive one. Rather he is one who maintains a high batting average in accurately assessing the forces that determine what his most appropriate behavior at any given time should be and in actually being able to behave accordingly. Being both insightful and flexible, he is less likely to see the problem of leadership as a dilemma.† (Tannenbaum Schmidt, 1993, 178). Leadership in business is never a bossism because the leader is not synonym of the boss.   A boss depends upon his authority and as such always drives and orders, but a leader relies upon his confidence and goodwill and always believes in coaching and advising his subordinates. Leaders can enhance their performance by adopting a Transformational leadership approach. The successful leadership calls for   `The ability to comprehend that human being has different motivating forces in different situations, the ability to inspire, and ability to act in a manner that will develop a climate for responding to and arousing motivations.’ References Ahuja K. (2005) Personnel Management. Kalyani Publishers. Calcutta. 425-775 Barling, J., Weber, T. and Kelloway, E.K. (1996), â€Å"Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Fiscal Outcomes: A Field Experiment†, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 81, pp827-32 Barling, Julian, Frank Slater, and E. Kevin Kelloway. â€Å"Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence: an exploratory study.† Emerald Volume 21 Number 3 2000: 157-161. Bass, B.M. (1997), Does the Transactional Transformational Leadership Paradigm Transcend Organizational and National Boundaries?’’ American Psychologist, Vol. 52, pp. 130-9. Burns, J.M. (1978), Leadership, Harper Row, New York, NY David Buchanan Andrzej Huczynski. (2004). Organizational Behavior – An Introductory Text, Prentice Hall Hater, J.J. and Bass, B.M (1988), â€Å"Superiors† Evaluations And Subordinates’ Perception of Transformational and Transactional Leadership†, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 73, pp. 695-702 Hersey P Blanchard K. (2002). Management of Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Lowe, K.B. and Kroeck, K.G. (1996), Effectiveness correlates of transformational and transactional leadership: a meta-analytic review’’, Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 7, pp. 385-426. Prasad LM. (2006). Organizational Behavior. Educational publishers. Daryaganj. P. 262-387 Tennenbam Robbert Schmidt. (1993). How To Choose A Leadership Pattern. Harvard Business Review: May-June, 175-180 Yammarino, F.J. and Dubinsky, A.J. (1994), Transformational Leadership Theory: Using Levels Of Analysis To Determine Boundary Conditions’’, Personnel Psychology, Vol. 47, pp. 787-811. Yammarino, F.J., Spangler, W.D. and Bass, B.M. (1993), Transformational Leadership and Performance: A Longitudinal Investigation’’, Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 4, pp. 81-102. Yvonne McLaughlin.(2003).Business Management: A practical guide for managers, Supervisors Administrators. Synergy Books International. P.186-215

Shylock ways of Expressing Conflicts

Shylock ways of Expressing Conflicts The Merchant of Venice has an Italian setting and marriage plot; this is very typical of Shakespeare whose love for Italy is evident in most of his play. In Merchant of Venice Shakespeares remarkable rogue Shylock raises this play to a new level. The play was written in 1598 and reflects religious activities in the 16th century. This play defines two main settings, Venice, a city of trade where many businessmen are located, a place filled with unfortunate and unpleasant individuals; the other setting is Belmont, a city where rich, happy and stylish society of beautiful people is housed. Belmont is an enchanted world occupied with love, music and happiness. In Act 1 Scene 3, the audience expects Antonio and Shylock to immediately odium each other before they meet in the play. This is because in the Elizabethan era Jews were commonly disliked by Christian nations throughout the 16th century, as Christians believed that in biblical history Jews were the people that killed Jesus Christ (Christian messiah). Jews suffered harsh persecution over the centuries, including torture, loss of property, and forced conversion to Christianity. England expelled all Jews about 300 years earlier to William Shakespeares time, much of what remained of them were tales filled with anti-Semitic response ranging from exaggeration to complete lies, which portrayed them as vile, evil and despicable. Jews in Elizabethan times were not viewed as citizens. Instead, they were viewed as outsiders, and were often banned from many occupations because of their religion. This helped the audience understand the conflict that exists between Shylock and Antonio. Jews were l eft with few means of earning a living as only Christians could belong to professional relations as well as own land . Christians, however, could not lend money with interest, and many Jews earned a profitable living as usurers. We know Shylock is a Jew since the narration specifies that hes a Jew Enter Bassanio with Shylock the Jew. Shakespeare puts an emphasis on Shylock the Jew since he doesnt state the religion of the other characters. The audience are introduced to Shylock as a greedy man because the first thing he said was about money Three thousand ducats, well. Shylock describes Antonio as a good man, even though some people might think it means Antonio is kind and generous but to Shylock this means that Antonio has enough money to repay him. It is made clear from the way Shylock is introduced that he is hatching a cunning plan from the start because Shakespeare specifies that Shylock is a Jew but for the other characters he doesnt state their religion. The audience begin to think Shylock is devious and has something up his sleeves. and then there is the perils of the waters, winds and rocks. The man is notwithstanding sufficient. I think I might take this bond. Even though Shylock knows that Antonios ships will be destroyed (all Antonios money is invested in his ships) he still goes ahead to lend him the money. Bassanio invites Shylock to dine with them If it please you to dine with me, Shylock denies saying I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you, and so following but I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you. This indicates that even though Shylock will do business with Antonio and Bassanio he will not eat, drink or pray with the. It also shows the religious differences that set Shylock apart from the Christian Venetians. Shakespeare presents Shylock this way so that the audiences hatred would be focused in the direction of Shylock. Shakespeare, while describing the Jewish moneylender Shylock according to stereotypes, fills Shylock with humanity and produces sympathy for the troubles of the Jews. On the other hand, an Elizabethan audience wont show sympathy towards Shylock as they are anti-Semitic to Jews. Just before Shylock speaks to Antonio, he lets the audience know in aside that he hates Antonio I hate him for he is a Christian. This phrase said by Shylock is based on the beliefs of other Jews on other Christians; it helps the audience to know the conflict that exists between Shylock and Antonio. The phrase also shows how stereotypical Shylock is since he doesnt really know Antonio, but because Shylock has heard of Jew-hating Christians he thinks that he too should hate Christians since all of them hate Jews. Shylock distastes Antonio because he lends out money gratis free of interest, so reducing the interest rates for people who make live as moneylenders such as Shylock and for having disgraced him in public by spitting on him and calling him names such as dog and cutthroat Jew. For humiliation as well as the persecution that the Jews have long suffered at the hands of the Christians, Shylock tells the audience that he hopes to exact vengeance on Antonio. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.He hates our sacred nation . . . Cursd be my tribe if I forgive him! Shylock reveals to the audience that hes prejudice against Christians and he also explains to the audience how Shylock himself has experienced anti-Semitic discrimination. Both Shylock and Antonios ideas are connected around the ideas of business. Antonio the Christian believes that usury is wrong so should not be practiced, whereas Shylock the Jew who is forbidden to try any other profession decided to use usury (lending money for interest) as a way to make a living and identify themselves in the Venetian society. If I forgive him!Shylocks quote in Act 1 Scene 3 line 36-47 tells the audience that Shylock is as concerned with money as religion, and possibly even more so. Shylock uses his money to get back at Antonio so he can feed his personal grudge against him. He views the lending as an opportunity to stick it to Christians for all the troubles and sufferings they have caused the Jews. The money lending is a battle between the two men as well as their religions. Shylock and Antonio can be considered substitute for their religious issues. But money is their way of throwing in personal accusations while fighting the religious fight. Shylock is told by Antonio that normally he wouldnt take part in a deal involving interest but because his friend is in need of the money he will break his custom. Their greeting has made an ironic suggestion to the audience, which was Shylocks hateful opinion towards Antonio I hate him for he is a Christian. Shylock decides to loan Bassanio the money he needs. Shylock recites the Biblical story of Jacob to defend his practice of charging interest. Shylock shows the personal and religious differences between his religion and Christianity by reciting the Book of Genesis. As it is unnatural to gain/make money from money Christians believe usury is dissolute. But Shylocks defends his use of usury by interpreting and stating the Bible saying that him charging interest for the money he lends is not very different from Jacobs breeding of the animals in the bible. Jacobs breeding by the Christian law is believed to be natural. The Hebrew will turn Christian; he grows kind. As Antonio thinks that Jews arent kind and cant be kind unless theyre Christians. He witnesses Shylock, the Hebrew, become kind by lending him money and so believes thats impossible. Since Shylock is being generous by lending Antonio money, Antonio takes it as Shylock being Christianised as hes being nice. This quotation tells the audience how Antonio considers his religion superior to Judaism. The previous quotation I hate him for he is Christian illustrated how Shylock was stereotypical about Christians. There are similar beliefs in the religions of both characters. The exchange in words between Shylock and Antonio prepares the audience for what is going to happen next. Antonio has publicly abused Shylock many times on different occasions and even spat on upon Shylocks clothing spit upon my Jewish gabardine Shylocks asks Antonio why he should lend him money as he would a friend when all he has done nothing but insult and humiliate him. Angry with fury Antonio insults Shylock again. Shylock doesnt want to pretend he is friends with Antonio so he says If thou wilt lend this money, lend it not as to thy friends But lend it rather to thine enemy. Shylock then unexpectedly suggests an unusual deal. He informs Antonio that this time he will lend money without charging interest. Nevertheless, Shylock will be allowed to cut off one pound of Antonios flesh from any part of his body if Antonio is unable to pay Shylock. The bond Shylock makes is a very confusing and unexpected one so it makes it complicated for the audience to understand his reason(s) for suggesting such a bond. Shylock is adopting the Christians stated business and directing them towards an a trocious end by trading flesh instead of making money breed by usury; this mocks the principles of Christianity. Antonio is told by Shylock that he wants to be companions with him and will settle the bond for a pound of flesh as a merry sport. Antonio agrees Yes Shylock, I will seal unto this bond to Shylocks bond despite Bassanios nervousness You shall not seal to such a bond for me about binding his friend to such a dangerous bond. Bassanio shows some sense of right and wrong about putting his greed before his friend, for the first time as he realises that by being greedy he has caused his friend to agree to put a price on his pound of flesh, this leads Antonio right into Shylocks trap. By signing the contract Antonio agrees to be bond. Act 1 Scene 3 is an important scene because it completes the description of the two different and main plot lines of the play: Antonio agreeing to Shylocks bond which is the three thousand ducats Antonio wants to lend for the pound of flesh that Shylock wants instead of charging Antonio interest; and second, and more dramatically, this scene introduces Shylock the Jew. In this scene, Shakespeare gives as an insight to why and how Shylock seems to be the most powerful character in the play. Even though Shylock and Antonio both have different manners and capabilities both characters are successful businessmen in Venice. When Antonio is asking Shylock for the loan he says, Within these two months, thats a month before this bond expires, I do expect, return of thrice times the value of this bond.. Shylock being a selfish businessman asks for three times the value of the loan. Antonio being a risk taker lends his good name to Bassanio to woo Portia. Antonio thinks things will be always go right for him, his business and his success will endure, this is revealed when he accepts a dangerous bond and the high interest rate if the money isnt received. Shylock is a wicked man who wants a pound of Antonios flesh if his money is not paid back, whereas, Antonio is prepared to risk his life for his friend who happens to be in love with the wealthy, intelligent and beautiful Portia- Antonios sacrifice for his friend shows how different he is from Shylock. The Jewish old testaments states an eye for an eye which means that if someone wrongs you, seek revenge, on the other hand the Christians New Testament gives us Jesus message of peace, love and forgiveness forgive and forget. The play shows how Christians and Jews used to treat each in the 16th century. We dont deal with the same issues like greed, prejudice, hatred and revenge Jews and Christians showed towards each other because in todays society everyone is equal. I feel that the scene is a very complicated scene as it explains how Christians and Jews acted towards each other in Shakespearean time as well as how Shylock tricked Antonio into accepting a dangerous bond. I feel that both views of Jews and Christians are wrong since Im sure not all Jews and Christians acted how Antonio and Shylock did in Shakespeare time. I think the play is somewhat related to the persecution of Jews in World War as well as the killings of the genocide. Even though Shylock was represented as such an extremist by Elizabethan audience/Shakespeare, he wouldnt be represented as such by a modern audience.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effect Of Temp On Endo And Ectotherms (metabolism) :: essays research papers

Animal metabolism consists of the utilization of nutrients absorbed from the digestive tract and their catabolism as fuel for energy or their conversion into substances of the body. Metabolism is a continuous process because the molecules and even most cells of the body have brief lifetimes and are constantly replaced, while tissue as a whole maintains its characteristic structure. This constant rebuilding process without a net change in the amount of a cell constituent is known as dynamic equilibrium (Grolier1996). In the combustion of food, oxygen is used and carbon dioxide is given off. The rate of oxygen consumption indicates the energy expenditure of an organism, or its metabolic rate (Grolier1996).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Metabolic rate is directly linked to the core temperature in an animal. An ectotherm, or cold blooded animal, warms its body mainly by absorbing heat from its surroundings. The amount of heat it derives from its metabolism is negligible. In contrast, endotherms derive most or all of its body heat from its own metabolism (Campbells,p899). Because ectotherms do not produce their own heat, they cannot actively ensure their ideal temperature for an ideal metabolic rate (aquacult.htp).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the following experiment, we will attempt to examine the relationship between metabolic rate and environmental temperature in both an ectoderm and an endotherm. I predict that for the ectotherm, the metabolic rate will increase as the outside environment temperature will increase. I also predict that the metabolic rate in the endotherm will remain relatively the same as the outside environment temperature changes. I also make the prediction that the ectotherm will have much lower metabolic rates than the endotherm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The procedures for this experiment are those that are referred to in Duncan and Townsend, 1996 p9-7. In our experiment however, each student group chose a temperature of either 5 C, 10 C, 15 C, or 20 C. Each group selected a crayfish, and placed it in an erlenmeyer flask filled with distilled water. The flask’s O2 levels had already been measured. the flask was then placed in a water bath of the selected temperature for thirty minutes, and then the O2 levels were measured again. Each group shared their findings with the class. The metabolic rates of the mouse were conducted by the instructor and distributed. We also did not use the Winkler method to measure the O2 levels. We used a measuring device instead.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The results of this experiment are shown in the compiled student data in Table 1 below.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The idea that the world is a global village did not strike me as true until my fifteenth birthday. My father gifted me a computer, and suddenly, the internet opened up a mine of information for a young boy who had been restricted to much localized until then. The computer and internet soon became indispensible for my school assignments, and my own idiosyncratic researches. When it came to selecting an area of Engineering for my undergraduate studies, the choice was clear: computer science. In my undergraduate studies, I benefited from the breadth of Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science (a pioneer college affiliated to Kakatiya University in India). The curriculum at KITS exposed me to the entire gamut of computer science courses thus laying a strong foundation for the fundamentals. During the first two years, I was fascinated by programming subjects such as C, OOPC and Data Structures. During my third year I also learned Java and Theory of Computation. During the fourth year, I was fascinated by subjects such as computer networks, network security and encryption algorithms like the International Data Encryption Algorithm. I also became involved with various extra-curricular activities such as organizing blood bank donations and playing Lawn-Tennis. This resulted in a slight dip in my grades, but I soon acquired the art of balancing the curricul ar with the extra-curricular, and graduated with 71.5% in distinction with first class. My main areas of interest are Computer Networks, Software Programming and Database Management Systems. As a part of my curriculum, we with a team of four members successfully completed a main project â€Å"Retrieval of Best Fit Component using Genetic Algorithm† frond end and... ...d new ways of doing things. The international education will give me the training and the calibre to meet the global clients. I look forward to being an active member of the student community at your University. Therefore, I truly feel that the most natural way to justify my passion is to persue a Master’s Degree in Computer Science. I would regard my admission in PSU not only a great honour but also as a great responsibility and an obligation to work hard. In conclusion, I would like to add that the essence of University education lies in the synergetic relationship between the student and his department. I feel that post graduate study at your University will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would be grateful to you if I’m accorded the opportunity to pursue my master’s at your institution.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Atonement Essay -- essays research papers fc

Atonement Atonement in the larger sense deals with a common factor which is sin. The definition is a making at on which points to a process of bringing those who are enstranged into a unity(Douglas, 107). It is a theological term which derives from the Anglo-Saxon. The word atonement appears eighty seven times in the Old Testament in the RSV Bible(Nelson, 55). According to Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, which is using the King James Version, appears seventy seven times in the Old Testament and only once in the New Testament. In Leviticus, atonement appears fifty one times, more than any other book of the bible. In Numbers it appears seventeen times and in Exodus eleven times. The reason why it is used so much in Leviticus is that during that time period priest were intercessor's between the people and God. In the New Revised Standard Concordance, atonement appears eighty seven times. Out of those eighty seven times, eighty one appear with the word make or made. This would constitute that an atonement in these uses would cause the person who prepares the atonement to work at making an atonement. We find that in the New Testament we don't have to work to receive a pardon from our sins. The whole bible leads up to the cross and everything after the cross points back to the cross. Christ was the ultimate and final atonement for us. In the Old Testament their atonement to God was to always be unblemished for the sake of perfection (Morris, 147). They believed that the perfect atonement would set them free from all their sins and thus make them clean in God's eyes. The Hebrew word for atone is. It is used frequently for the process of sacrifice. It was thought that a man must make and atonement to God that was adequate to give to Him to pay for his sin. In Ezekiel 16:63 atonement is translated to mean "forgive". Words in the Old Testament are translated from the kpr word group in Hebrew. The Hebrew word for atonement is Kaphar. This is the main usage of the word but there are other words that are associated with atonement. or Kaphar means to cover. The figurative word which is used quite often is to expiate or condone. Other words associated with Kaphar are to be merciful, pardon, to pitch, purge(away), and to make reconcile. Or Kaphar is used for a village that... ... their lives. Bibliography George V. Wigram. The Englishmans Hebrew Concordance. Grand Rapids MI, Baker Book House, 1980 John R. Kohlenberger III. NRSV Concordance Unabridged. Grand Rapids MI, Zondervan Publishing House. 1991 Gerhard Kittel. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament Vol. I and Vol X. Grand Rapids, MI/London WM. Eerdmanus Publishing Co. 1964 J.D. Douglas. New Bible Dictionary. Intervarsity Fellowship. 1982 James Strong. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Nashville, TN. Thomas Nelson Publishers. 1984 R. Laird Harris, Gleason L Archer Jr., Bruce K. Walter. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Chicago, IL. 1980 Samuel Pri Deaux Tregelles. Hebrew and English Lexicon. Grand Rapids, MI WM B. Eerdman's Pub. 1949 Colin Brown. The New International Dictionary of the New Testament Theology. Grand Rapids MI. Zondervan Publishing House. 1978 J.B. Smith. Greek-English Concordance. Scottsdale, Penn. Herald Press. 1955 Al Novak. Hebrew Honey. New York. Vantage Press. 1965 C.C. Morris. The Illustrated Bible Dictionary Pt. 1. Intervarsity Press. 1980 John W. Ellison. Nelson's Complete Concordance of the RSV Bible. Nashville, TN. . Thomas Nelson Publishing. 1984

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Content and Process Theories of Motivation Essay

Motivation is simply the methods by which an organisation can encourage it employees to increase their performance, both in quantity of output and in quality. Performance could also be in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the organisation’s operations. simply put, motivation is about the ways a business can encourage staff to give their best. The term motivation has been defined by different scholars using different formats and views, according to Dr Stephen P. Robbins, this is the process that account for an individuals intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal (S. P. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour 9ed, p.155). Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary says that motivation is the act or process of motivating, the condition of being motivated, a motivating for a stimulus or influence, incentive, drive. Jones, George & Hill (2000) Motivation as physical forces that determine the direction of a person’s behaviour, a person’s level of effort and a person’s level of persistence in the face of obstacles. S.Hall believes motivation to be a process where members of a group pull together to effect an organisation through loyalty and commitment. some of these authors have gone as far as developing theories and models to help explain the motivation process. These include The Abraham Maslow hierarchy of Needs, Frederick Herzberg’s motivation and hygiene factors etc. Content and process theories of motivation The sum total of motivation theories can be broadly classified into two main categories; the content theories and the process theories. Content Theories deal with â€Å"what† motivates people and it is concerned with individual needs and goals. Authors like Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg and McClelland studied motivation from a â€Å"content† perspective. Content theorists believe that everyone has the same set of needs and expectations from a job. these needs are in physical, social and psychological forms. Process Theories deal with the â€Å"process† of motivation and is concerned with â€Å"how† motivation occurs. Authors such as Vroom, Porter & Lawler, Adams and Locke studied motivation from a â€Å"process† perspective. Process theories are more individualistic. ie they assume each individual has his/her unique set of needs and hence unique motivational factors. Content Theories deal with â€Å"what† motivates people and it is concerned with individual needs and goals. Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg and McClelland studied motivation from a â€Å"content† perspective. Process Theories deal with the â€Å"process† of motivation and is concerned with â€Å"how† motivation occurs. Vroom, Porter & Lawler, Adams and Locke studied motivation from a â€Å"process† perspective.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Paper Chromatography Lab Essay

Purpose: to separate the various photosynthetic pigments of Spinacia oleracea leaves. Materials: – methanol – water – filter paper – sand – test tube – 10 S. oleracea leaves – 2 wooden splints – mortar – pestle Method: First, 10 S. oleracea leaves were gathered. A piece of filter paper, a wooden splint, a mortar and pestle were also gathered. The leaves were placed inside the mortar, filling the mortar approximately half full. The leaves were then crushed with the pestle. Sand, water and methanol were added and then the leaves were crushed again. This was repeated until the leaves had reached the consistency of a soupy green paste. The leaf extract (soupy green paste) was strained, removing the fibrous spinach paste, which was placed into the garbage, and leaving the liquid leaf extract. The wooden splint was dipped into the leaf extract and then traced in a thin straight line onto the filter paper. The filter paper was allowed to dry for approximately 2 minutes. The next coat could not be applied until the paper was completely dry. The process was repeated 10 times, from dip, trace and drying. A test tube was gathered as well as methanol and a second wooden splint. The wooden splint was pi erced through the top of the filter paper and then the filter paper was placed into the empty test tube. It was measured how much methanol would be needed so that the tip of the filter paper was submerged but the extract line was not submerged. After measurement, the filter paper was removed from the test tube. The methanol was poured into the test tube up to the measured fill point. The filter paper was then carefully inserted so that it never touched the edges of the test tube. The test tube was carefully placed vertically into a test tube holder and allowed to absorb methanol for 45 minutes. After the 45 minutes were complete, the filter paper was then removed, measured as to how far pigments had travelled and left to dry. Observations: Calculations: Rf xanthophyll= distance pigment travelled distance to solvent front = 7 9.7 = 0.72 Rf chlorophyll a= distance pigment travelled distance to solvent front = 8.4 9.7 = 0.87 Rf chlorophyll b= distance pigment travelled distance to solvent front = 8.5 9.7 = 0.88 Rf carotene= distance pigment travelled distance to solvent front = 8.7 9.7 = 0.90 Discussion: 1. The Mortar and Pestle is used to break down the intramolecular bonds within the S. oleracea leaves. This helped break the molecule down into smaller molecules and individual atoms so that chloroplasts and their pigments were not buried inside the leaf and were  easily accessible. 2. Methanol is used to dissolve the pigments, as methanol is polar and so are the pigments. As we saw, the pigments stayed with the methanol in the liquid part of the mixture but everything else (cell walls, etc) floated to the top of the mixture, so we could easily remove it. 3. It is important that the filter paper did not touch the walls of the test tube because if touching the side walls, water would absorb from the sides as well as the bottom of the filter paper. If this were to happen, the flow of methanol up the filter paper would be disturbed, thus disturbing the flow and separation of the pigments. 4. It is very important that the leaf extract not be dissolved in the solvent because it would not travel upward the same. If the extract line were to be dissolved in the methanol, it would simply dissolve into the methanol, without actually having the chance to travel up the filter paper. With the extract line above the meniscus, the pigments’ only choice was to follow the path of the methanol. 5. Water would not be able to carry the pigments up the filter paper because it does not have the same physical properties as methanol. One of methanol’s unique features is that it dissolves compounds of very high polarity. While water will dissolve polar molecules, it would be unable to dissolve these pigments as well as methanol can. 6. According to my findings, chloroplast a is in the highest abundance in the leaf extract. This is known because of the very bright green colour of the pigment, as well as the expanse of chloroplast a on the filter paper. 7. Pigments separate rather than travel up the paper at the same rate due to their solubility. Pigments that are the most soluble in methanol will travel to the highest levels, almost as high as methanol itself, but pigments that are least soluble in methanol will stay lower down on the filter paper. The pigments will only travel far enough so that they are completely dissolved  from the methanol to the filter paper. Therefore, those pigments that are least soluble in methanol, take less time and space to dissolve from methanol so they stop travelling at an earlier stage that those that are most soluble with methanol. 8. The meaning of the Rf value is to help identify pigments. Each pigment holds an Rf value, which is used like a fingerprint. Although colour can be used to identify pigments, their Rf value is the true indication of which pigment is present. Conclusion: the various photosynthetic pigments in S. oleracea were separated using the chromatography technique.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Teenage Morality

What is teenage morality? What are the factors that cause teenage morality? Teenage morality is the decrease of moral values of teenagers. These are usually caused by breakdown of families, influence of modern technology and media and also the environment where the teenager belongs. In this research paper, I will discuss that the main reason of less of morality among teenagers is due to breakdown of families. What do you think is the meaning of morality? Morality is the differentiation of actions, intentions or decisions between right or wrong. Thus morality is important to our lives, Morality is first taught at home by our parents when we were still children, but what if are parents are not around? Who will teach us moral values that we needed?. In that case we are having a decrease in the difference between knowing what is right and wrong or good and bad. This is caused by lack of guidance by our parents because of old family structure, marriages become wiped out, not enough time to spend with our families and not going to church. In these days many believed that the weakening of stable marriages is the main reason of moral decline. This is because children learn moral values at their own homes from their parents and thinking that they are the role models. When parents are away from their children, emotionally distant or their parents themselves are immoral then the learning of the moral values of the child is greatly slowed down. -based from http://www. oppapers. com/essays/Moral-DeclIne-In-Society-Is-Due/677931

Inspiration: Disability and Final Lap

Disability and Final Lap BY cancans Inspiration: Life Is Like photography. You need the negatives to develop. Do you always think of what people say about you? Does It affect your dally basis and break down your motivation and inspiration? Always try to avoid negative people, they feed on your reaction and if they see you being affected by what they say or do, they'll keep doing it. If paralysis had their minds posted to the bad comments people give, they would've never reached success.The reason why I chose the Paralytics instead of the Olympics as inspiration, is the fact that paralysis are disabled and they need o work so much harder to gain a certain goal. Their disability can easily break their will to keep on working towards these goals as well as their mindset and motivation. Being disabled keeps you humble because you know what it feels like to have nothing, to lose something very important like their legs etc. Or to work twice as hard as people with no disability.It's like a little voice that whispers to them â€Å"maybe† when it seems like the whole world is shouting â€Å"no†. Paralysis never know how strong they are, until being strong is the only choice they have. That is why they are an inspiration to so many people. They teach you that discipline Is the distance between reality and your dreams and you need to appreciate the little things In life because one day you're going to look back and realize that it was the big things.People tend to be more inspired by disabled people because even though they have lost something they still work hard to gain something to replace what they've lost. They know, when you truly want success, you'll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get. Of course what they do are challenging but challenges are what make life Interesting and overcoming them Is what makes life meaningful. They would also tell you that they never underestimate their strength and never overestimate their weakness es and that's why most of them are humble.At the Olympics in London in the year 2012, there was four deferent swimmers: One with both arms and Just one leg, one with both arms and no legs, one with half an arm and the most important one, one with no arms. To start the swimming competition you have to jump in the water and hold on to the blocks. The man with no arms couldn't so they tied a ball on a piece of string and attached the string to the block and he put the ball In his mouth. He swam the fastest fifty meters anyone could've ever seen.In the first lap he was in the lead and everyone was standing for two reasons: one, he is winning and two, how is he going to turn? He slowed down, bumped his head turned. The second lap was breast stroke, not his strongest and at the end of the second lap he dropped down to third place. He turned for the third lap. This time it's the butterfly . He gets to the end of the third lap and dropped down to fourth place. He turns for the final lap. Th is time it's freestyle, his fastest stroke. He was quicker in the freestyle than any other stroke.In the final lap, this man went from fourth place to third, from third to second and with a meter to go, the crowd on their feet as his head Is in front of the man next to him. But he didn't win because the man next to order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure and that's why he was happy with second place. His motivation was so powerful that he kept humble and gained his goal of succeeding in what he does. If you love what you do it will be the only way to great work. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle for something less than your goals you set for yourself.